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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Four Students representing Purwakarta to Tasikmalaya


Purwakarta, 6 September 2024 – SMP Negeri 1 Purwakaarta sent four students to take part in a provincial level religious competition in Tasikmalaya Regency. After previously carrying out district-wide selection, four students were selected to represent all junior high schools in Purwakarta Regency.

SMP Negeri 1 Purwakarta represented two branches of the competition. Students named Hanifa, Ricky, and Asep represented the Quiz Competition (LCC), while Ratu was the representative in the religious lecture competition.

The Principal of Purwakarta 1 Public Middle School, Mr. H. Patoni, M.Pd., M.M, expressed his pride and gratitude for the achievements of his sons and daughters who were able to represent Purwakarta Regency. Apart from that, he also expressed his gratitude to the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers who helped guide their students.

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